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Baby Sleeping


At Time for Sleep we are lucky enough to support a number of amazing families. The best part for us is hearing about all the wonderful transformations from the families we have helped. The messages we receive from all the lovely people we support are the reason why we love doing what we do.




Hannah came to see us when we were at our wits end. Ella would wake up on average 4 to 5 times a night. We had tried everything.

After observing our evening routine, Hannah very quickly identified that Ella was not only dependent on her dummy but also needed us to put it in for her. Hannah gave us some fabulous tips on how to train Ella to find her dummy herself (we didn't want to get rid of it) and she has slept through ever since. Hannah is a miracle worker and a really lovely lady to work with. I cannot recommend her enough.    Ella





"Before I got in touch with Time for Sleep my two young children seemed to be on a rotational system of one of them waking almost every hour during the night, normally ending with Elsa co sleeping with me just so I could get a little bit more sleep. Although I had a good evening routine in place and the children went down easily, Hannah gave me the skills and confidence to  change their bad night time habits.

It literally took one night! Now almost every night the children sleep for 12 hours, making them happy children and me a happy mum! I cannot recommend Hannah enough, she is so easy to talk to, immediately gives you a bespoke plan to put in place and always seems to be there as a sounding board if reassurance is needed - all this and I'm based in Spain!!! Thank you so much Hannah, you're a star!!

"We worked with Linsey over a couple of months to crack a particularly entrenched early waking issue. Her advice was always very clear and effective, but what I valued even more was the support. She checks in constantly, often very early in the morning (!) and it really feels like there's someone in your corner cheering you on. It wasn't easy, but now my 2 year old has gone from waking at 4am to waking closer to 6am consistently. As every tired parent knows, sleep affects everything, and getting more of it has been truly game changing for our family. Thank you Linsey!"    Kate



"Paige had never been a great sleeper and James and I found ourselves constantly comparing her to all our friends babies and wondering what we were doing wrong? After a year of hoping 'things will get better' I had to return to work, and suddenly the constant night waking was even more crippling. I was very nervous about doing sleep training as I felt like I should have been able to resolve this myself, and I didn't want to be made to feel like a failure, or a bad mum. But Hannah was every bit the professional, and instantly put me at ease and calmed all my worries. After getting a clear picture of our lives, routines and problems she quite clearly stated that within 5 days we'd have a perfect sleeping baby and all our worries would be gone! 

we started the routine as Hannah set out, doing everything she told us to. It was harder than I thought, but keeping 5 days in the back of our mind helped us to keep going and it got better and better as the week went on.

When Hannah came back at the end of our time together Paige was sleeping better than she has ever done before, and James and I were starting to feel human again!

Not sleeping for a year certainly takes its toll on a family; emotionally and physically.

Hannah's advice and calm nature helped us through this, and now Paige is sleeping really well.

Thank you so much - I'd recommend Hannah to anyone. Don't be brave. Be sensible!"    Becky




"Linsey took on our child's sleeping problems when it felt like we had run out of patience. She was calm and confident when instructing us how to manage our child's night time behaviour, and gave us clear advance warning of what to expect, giving us confidence in our methods. This was matched by her constant contact and encouragement in the following days and weeks. As the methods worked we got our first consistent nights' sleep in months. Hallelujah!!!     Sarah




"We live in Madrid, Spain and working with Hannah has been a godsend to our family! After almost ten months of waking up a few (or more!) times of night with a baby in our room, we needed a change. I was finding it increasingly difficult to manage my life as a mother, wife and professional with insufficient and poor quality sleep. I thought I was doing the needful when I would wake up with Sam and breastfeed him back to sleep. Turns out it was not necessary for him and definitely was not good for his mother. Hannah’s vast experience working with so many families gave me the confidence and plan we needed to get all of us on a much better program. I thought I would not be able to bear hearing my child cry himself to sleep, but the experience was not like that at all. Sam adapted very rapidly (faster than we did!) to a new approach and from the first night, he slept much longer stretches. Sleep coaching was second only to hiring a private midwife in terms of the best new family investment we have made. Even long-distance, Hannah’s tailored support and experienced advice have enabled us to establish a sensible and sustainable sleep routine – and we are all better for it!"   Jennifer




"When we came to Time for Sleep we were beyond exasperated. Our 8-month-old daughter was waking between every 15 minutes to two hours in the night. She was exhausted all day and we were losing our minds. I was resistant to sleep training, because I feared cry-it-out, but Hannah’s website promised a trauma-free solution.

It’s now ten days later, and our lives couldn’t be more different. I have overcome some of the habits that I had developed from my daughter’s early infancy, and letting go these have empowered her to get to sleep with less intervention and for longer periods of time. We are enjoying the previously elusive 7pm-7am schedule, and naps are finally under control. Where is used to take ages to put our baby down, we can now rely on her to go to sleep when it’s time.

I wouldn’t call Time for Sleep's methods a miracle, because it took commitment (especially from my partner, who took on the brunt of the night weaning) and it was a challenge to stick to new routines. However, it feels like a miracle, because all three of us are rested and functioning so much better. I used to be afraid of bedtime, but now I look forward to it. All it took was a little common sense and some guidance. We’re all extremely happy that we contacted Hannah."




“She has become a friend of mine simply because she is so lovely I couldn't recommend Hannah enough!!"


"I want to say a huge thank you for yesterday. I think you may have saved our sanity, and our marriage!"


"We can't believe the change. We really are beginning to put him to bed, give him a kiss and walk out with the confidence that he will just stay there and go to sleep!"
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